PoultryTechBangladesh, a public-private partnership, comprises leading complementary parties from various steps in the poultry value chain, facilitating Bangladeshi companies to provide integrated solutions. The partnership aims to strengthen business relations between stakeholders in the Dutch and Bangladeshi poultry value chain, resulting in increased trade, investment, and cooperation, contributing to a more competitive and sustainable poultry sector in Bangladesh.

Larive International and LightCastle Partners have been engaged as coordination partners for managing the multi-year project, co-funded by the Government of the Netherlands. The consortium comprises leading companies from various stages in the poultry value chain as well as knowledge institutes, including:

The goals of PoultryTechBangladesh are to:

  • Improve the poultry sector by stimulating collaboration between Bangladesh-Netherlands players along the value chain
  • Conduct trials and showcase best practices including the effectiveness of appropriate equipments
  • Provide technical assistance encompassing trainings and workshops to enhance farmers’ knowledge

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