LightCastle Partners Participates in the Fifth Convening of Oporajita: Collective Impact on the Future of Work in Bangladesh

LightCastle Partners Participates in the Fifth Convening of Oporajita: Collective Impact on the Future of Work in Bangladesh

Originally Published on the LightCastle Partners Website

From March 4th to 7th, 2024, the LightCastle contingent had the privilege of participating in a transformative 4-day convening organized by The Asia Foundation as part of the Oporajita – Collective Impact on Future of Work initiative. It was an incredible opportunity for the team to join forces with 11 implementing partners to futureproof the livelihoods of women RMG workers amid Industry 4.0 shifts, driving meaningful changes for the women workers in the RMG industry.

Throughout this immersive experience, the team reflected on the collective impact journey, exchanging invaluable insights, and reflecting on the project’s progress so far. With the addition of new members to partner organizations, team-building activities facilitated seamless sharing of insights.

In addition, Foundation Strategy Group (FSG) facilitated an interactive refresher session on the Collective Impact Model and Systems Change. This was an enlightening experience, reaffirming our shared purpose and commitment to improving the livelihood of women RMG workers through our collective efforts. This reminder of our common goal strengthens our resolve and unity as we continue working together toward achieving systemic change within the apparel sector of Bangladesh.

Mrinmoy Sobhan from LightCastle Partners at the Fifth Convening of Oporajita

Toward the end of the convening, the team collaboratively worked on developing a unified dashboard to track the project’s progress. This initiative not only enhances transparency but also serves as a valuable resource library for all stakeholders involved, which is still under development by the backbone organization.

LightCastle team at the Fifth Convening of Oporajita by The Asia Foundation
Samiha Anwar from LightCastle at the Fifth Convening of Oporajita

Guided by The Asia Foundation, the team has done purposeful exploration, reimagining possibilities and charting a course for collaborative success.

We worked together to identify solutions with the potential to enact systemic change.

Samiha Anwar, Business Consultant, Mrinmoy Tasneem Sobhan, Business Consultant, and Sakina Binte Belayet, Business Analyst, represented LightCastle Partners at the convening.

As part of the two-year-long program, the LightCastle team has extensively mapped out potential scenarios and is presently evaluating policy priorities through a series of dialogues. They are also fostering partnerships across sectors and planning to convene a national-level event involving innovators, key industry figures, and policymakers among others.

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