
Fostering collaboration to improve sector competitiveness and ensuring women garments worker’s wellbeing

As part of Oporajita, LightCastle Partners, in collaboration with Policy Exchange of Bangladesh, has introduced Bunon 2030, an initiative dedicated to empowering Bangladeshi women garment workers in the advent of Industry 4.0.

Through our collective endeavors, we aim to future-proof the apparel sector through collaborations and partnerships. Join us on a transformative journey where we strive to improve the well-being of female apparel workers by driving systemic change.

A dedicated initiative to empower Bangladeshi women garment workers amid the challenges posed by Industry 4.0


About Oporajita: Collective Impact on Future of Work

Oporajita: Collective Impact on Future of Work is funded by the H&M Foundation with The Asia Foundation operating as the backbone organization. The project intends to improve sector competitiveness, skills development and employability opportunities for women apparel workers based on an improved understanding of the impact of technology and automation on the apparel industry.
RMG Sector

2nd Largest RMG Exporter in the World

Source: Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association, 2023

84.5% of Bangladesh's Exports

Source Export Promotion Bureau, 2023

4 Million Workers Employed

Source: International Labour Organization, 2022

200+ LEED Certified Factories

Source: Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association, 2023

Latest at Bunon

Bunon Publications: Strengthening RMG Sector for the Future of Work

Deep Dive into the Apparel Ecosystem

International Circular Economy Policy Trends

International Circular Economy Policy Trends

Implications for Policy Development in Apparel

Strategic Recommendations for Upscaling the RMG Sector

Strategic Recommendations for Upscaling the RMG Sector

Support to Sustainable Graduation Project

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