LightCastle Partners at The Larive Business Forum | A World of Opportunity

LightCastle Editorial Wing
July 5, 2023
LightCastle Partners at The Larive Business Forum | A World of Opportunity

Bijon Islam, CEO at LightCastle Partners, and Zahedul Amin, Director at LightCastle Partners, recently joined Larive Group partners from around the globe in Zeist, Netherlands for the Larive Business Forum 2023. During the event, LightCastle presented a booklet highlighting the investment opportunities in Bangladesh, and with partners and clients from 15 nationalities spanning Asia, Europe, and Africa, the Larive Business Forum proved to be an exhilarating melting pot of cultures, ideas, and business opportunities.

At the forum, LightCastle had the opportunity to connect with various Dutch companies operating across diverse sectors such as agriculture & agro-processing, mobility, renewables, climate tech, packaging, bakery, water management, and more. It served as a platform to witness the remarkable strides being made by Dutch companies and gain insights into their strategic approaches.

Moreover, the forum provided a conducive environment for exploring potential partnerships and exchanging ideas that could pave the way for transformative initiatives in Bangladesh and other emerging markets.

Bijon Islam and Zahedul Amin attending another session at the forum

Key Takeaways:

Bangladesh’s Growth Story and Its Population Density Have Caught the Attention of International Audiences

The country’s market size, coupled with the increasing GDP per capita and consumption habits, positions Bangladesh as an attractive investment destination on the global stage. Despite challenges, Bangladesh is expected to achieve middle-income economy status by 2026 and become a Trillion Dollar Economy by 2040.

Emerging Economies in Africa and Asia Are More Similar to Each Other Than Anticipated

There are valuable lessons and practices that Bangladesh can adopt from emerging economies in Africa and Asia. For instance, Thailand’s healthcare practices and Africa’s advancements in fintech offer valuable insights for innovation and development in the Bangladeshi context.

There Is Skepticism About the Sustainability of Current Growth

International investors and companies expressed concerns about a level playing field, capital repatriation, transparency, climate change, recent macro challenges, and overall sentiment. However, these concerns can be addressed and resolved through sustained efforts.

Bijon Islam and Zahedul Amin attending a session at the Larive Business Forum 2023

Speaking More About Bangladesh and Showcasing the Opportunities It Offers Is Vital

Promoting the country’s growth potential, addressing investor concerns, and communicating the opportunities offered by Bangladesh serve as a call to action for stakeholders to leverage its potential and foster sustainable growth.

Private Sector Engagement Is Crucial for Sustainable Growth

The forum had a strong focus on achieving sustainable growth through technology adoption and circular business models, aligning with the global shift towards environmental consciousness. Strengthening private sector engagement between Bangladesh and the Netherlands can drive economic growth and innovation by leveraging their strengths, knowledge, and resources for development.

WRITTEN BY: LightCastle Editorial Wing

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