Policy Recommendations for Fostering Digital Financial Inclusion for Social Safety Net Beneficiaries

LightCastle Analytics Wing
January 15, 2024
Policy Recommendations for Fostering Digital Financial Inclusion for Social Safety Net Beneficiaries

To understand how women’s economic empowerment can be bolstered by the uptake of Digital Financial Inclusion (DFI), LightCastle Partners, in collaboration with BRAC James P. Grant School of Public Health, conducted a study titled ‘Situation Analysis and Design Support for Enabling Digital Financial Inclusion and Women’s Economic Empowerment in urban and Rural Areas.” The study was commissioned by WFP as part of the Vulnerable Women Benefit (VWB) Programme, co-implemented by WFP and the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (MoWCA). 

Policy recommendations from the aforementioned study have been collated in the form of a policy note. The key findings and recommendations have been segregated into three segments: 

  • Access level intervention 
  • Usage level intervention 
  • Inclusion level intervention 
Policy recommendations

The policy note delves deeper into the identified recommendation streams, mapping the gaps and identifying the rationale for policy-level changes. The following variables have been considered while developing the policy recommendations: 

  • Relevance of the recommendation: To what extent will the policy impact women’s safety net beneficiaries? 
  • Mechanism: How the recommendation can have a systemic impact. 
  • Potential Partners: Mapping partners for the policy changes.

Policy Recommendations If you are interested to learn more Document download full report

WRITTEN BY: LightCastle Analytics Wing

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