Bijon Islam Shares Key Findings of After-Action Review (AAR) of BRAC’s Digital Ecosystem Activity Project at BRAC Webinar

LightCastle Analytics Wing
February 25, 2021
Bijon Islam Shares Key Findings of After-Action Review (AAR) of BRAC’s Digital Ecosystem Activity Project at BRAC Webinar

BRAC has recently conducted the webinar titled, “USAID Bangladesh Digital Ecosystem Activity for COVID-19 Rapid Response” based on their project which aimed to block the spread of misinformation circulating around social media platforms during the global pandemic, and highlighted how government agencies in Bangladesh are addressing this nationwide issue. The webinar focused on the project’s key findings, in which LightCastle Partners evaluated the overall Rumor Map development process and analyzed the complete data input to output spectrum, along with identifying areas of improvement for possible future scale-up of the project.

Bijon Islam, co-founder, and CEO of LightCastle Partners attended the webinar on the 22nd of February, 2021. The webinar was also attended by N M Zeaul Alam PAA, Senior Secretary of Information and Communication Technology Division; Dr. Poonam Smith-Sreen, Office Director, USAID; and Mehran Khan, Chief of Party, Bangladesh Digital Ecosystem Activity, BRAC, along with multiple other attendees from BRAC, USAID, DGHS, and other organizations who were a part of the project.

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During the webinar, Bijon Islam presented the findings of the After-Action Review (AAR) of the project, which showcased the Rumor Map development and emphasized the various communication channels via the reach and recall method, which ultimately helped achieve key objectives and realize the scope of its improvement. He attributed the project’s success to collect data in a short time to BRAC’s strong field presence and network, despite pandemic adversity.

The session was moderated by KAM Morshed, Senior Director, BRAC Advocacy, Innovation, and Migration.

Watch the live recording of the webinar here.

WRITTEN BY: LightCastle Analytics Wing

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