The Poultry Promise in Visuals

LightCastle Analytics Wing
May 15, 2021
The Poultry Promise in Visuals

For years, poultry has been dominating local consumption in Bangladesh. The sector is predicted to experience massive expansion in the coming years, as chicken and egg consumption is ever consistent with the nations’ growing population in tandem with their rising income.

The report, “Poultry Sector Study Bangladesh” was created under The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Dhaka, Larive International, and LightCastle Partners (2020) and it looked into the growing sector of poultry. Particularly, it explored interesting business opportunities in the Poultry sector for Dutch companies and knowledge institutions. These infographics were created based on the report, “Poultry Sector Study Bangladesh”, which you can access here.

Estimated number of birds per poultry segments Bangladesh in 2019

The number of birds among four types of chicken, namely- Broiler, Layer & layer Sonali, Sonali, and Deshi, in 2019 were estimated through this report.

Estimated capacity expansions & anticipated investments in the Broiler segment till 2025

Massive expansion is predicted as investments are expected to rise.

Broiler farm concentrations

The report identified the locations in Bangladesh, where broiler farms are highly concentrated.

Estimated capacity expansions & anticipated investments in the Layer segment till 2021

Massive expansion is predicted as investments are expected to rise.

Layer farm concentrations

The report identified the locations in Bangladesh, where layer farms are highly concentrated.

Consolidated per capita protein consumption development in Bangladesh

Bangladesh’s growing economy, led forward by rising demands from its ever-growing population, holds promising opportunities for its plethora of industries. In particular, the poultry sector is predicted to experience a massive increase in consumption in the coming years. The following infographic shows the prospected per capita protein meat, and egg consumption development in the poultry sector from the report.

This report looks to provide insights into the opportunities in the poultry sector of Bangladesh and chart the possible way forward for its stakeholders.

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WRITTEN BY: LightCastle Analytics Wing

At LightCastle, we take a systemic and data-driven approach to create opportunities for growth and impact. We are an international management consulting firm which creates systemic and data-driven opportunities for growth and impact in emerging markets. By collaborating with development partners and leveraging the power of the private sector, we strive to boost economies, inspire businesses, and change lives at scale.

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