Prospects of Wage Digitization In The Apparel Sector | Bangladesh 2019

LightCastle Analytics Wing
February 4, 2019
Prospects of Wage Digitization In The Apparel Sector | Bangladesh 2019

In an increasingly competitive global market, sustainability, quality, and digitization have become critical differentiation and competency factors for Bangladesh’s apparel industry. Wage digitization in the apparel sector directly would affect the lives of 3.5 million people who are working in the industry. Their income is less than USD 150 per month. There is a direct correlation between wage digitization and financial inclusion. Over a million apparel workers now receive their salaries as digital wages.

Wage digitization in the apparel industry is just in its infancy. However, it is quickly gaining traction as more and more owners see the benefits of the model. In order to increase adoption, there are certain challenges. Those challenges must be tackled by the stakeholders of the industry to create a conducive environment for digitization.

To learn more about the Prospects of Wage Digitization in the Apparel Sector, Document download full report

We conducted this study and published the report with support from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This report examines the challenges and opportunities of wage digitization in the apparel sector of Bangladesh.

WRITTEN BY: LightCastle Analytics Wing

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