Deep Dive Into the Challenges Across the Agriculture Value Chains of Bangladesh

LightCastle Analytics Wing
May 23, 2020
Deep Dive Into the Challenges Across the Agriculture Value Chains of Bangladesh

The COVID-induced lockdown is striking all parts of the agriculture sector’s value chain. LightCastle Partners conducted holistic research to evaluate the effects of the lockdown on different food crop and vegetable sectors, as well as farmers and daily agro-based laborers. 

The study reveals that the aforementioned sectors are suffering from a multitude of problems due to the lockdown, such as low production, output spoilage, labor demand-supply mismatch, falling incomes, price distortion, etc.

The report recommends policy reforms that may salvage both output and livelihood.

To learn more about the Challenges across the Agriculture Value Chains of Bangladesh Document download full report

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WRITTEN BY: LightCastle Analytics Wing

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