Empowering Minds: How LightCastle Fostered Internal Capacity Development in 2023 (Part 1)

LightCastle Analytics Wing
June 27, 2024
Empowering Minds: How LightCastle Fostered Internal Capacity Development in 2023 (Part 1)

In 2023, several knowledge conclave sessions were held at LightCastle Partners to enhance team efficiency and foster professional growth. We strategically prioritized enhancing LightCastle learning in 2023, based on data supplied by our team members

The “Life at LightCastle Survey,” conducted in February 2023, revealed that 22% of the workforce demanded further capacity development. Additionally, the “LightCastle Cultural and Development Study” showed that 82% of respondents sought more skill development and community training events. These findings underscored the necessity to organize tailored learning sessions based on team members’ needs. 

Consequently, we initiated some of the most popular training programs to elevate the growth and potential of our colleagues. A total of eight knowledge conclave sessions were conducted by internal and external experts at LightCastle Partners, encompassing company-wide training. 

Here’s a brief overview of these sessions. 

Qualitative Research & Analysis

On February 23, 2023, LightCastle Partners held the first session of their Q1 2023 Knowledge Conclave series, focusing on “Qualitative Research and Analysis.” The session was conducted by Sanjir Ali, a Senior Business Consultant at LightCastle Partners currently pursuing a research-based degree abroad. The objective of the session was to deepen the consultants’ understanding of qualitative research, which plays a crucial role in their data-driven decision-making and client deliverables.

During the session, he explained the fundamentals of qualitative research, distinguishing it from quantitative research. He covered various qualitative research approaches, including comparative and retrospective studies, and detailed methods for analyzing qualitative data.

The session was interactive, with Q&A segments where participants shared real-life examples, asked relevant questions, and provided their insights on the discussed topics. The purpose of this session was to enhance the consultants’ ability to leverage qualitative data effectively in their work.

How to Ride a Unicorn: Workshop on Designing a Content Marketing Strategy 

On March 7, 2023, LightCastle Partners held a session on “How to Ride a Unicorn: Workshop on Designing a Content Marketing Strategy.” The session was led by Shahriar Amin, a brand marketing expert with 20 years of experience, having worked with organizations like GrameenPhone, Philip Morris, and JTI.

The session aimed to help LightCastle Partners, a B2B service-based organization, overcome challenges in reaching the right audience through effective content marketing strategies. The speaker highlighted the differences between digital and content marketing, showing how the latter builds trust and converts clients. He shared strategies for building authority, brand awareness, and generating leads.

Interactive Q&A sessions allowed participants to discuss target market identification, audience engagement, and brand identity. Mr. Amin also shared insights from his corporate experiences, enhancing the team’s understanding of brand marketing and go-to-market strategies.

This session concluded by providing valuable learning opportunities that enhanced the team’s skills in various areas. LightCastle Partners looks forward to future editions of the Knowledge Conclave.

Introduction to Power BI

The two-day, in-depth session on data visualization using Power BI, was led by Khan Muhammad Saqiful Alam, who had served as the Program Manager for Trust and Safety at TikTok and now is the Area Head of Analytics for Bangladesh and Sri Lanka at British American Tobacco (BAT). Apart from this, he is also a Senior Expert – Data Analytics and Business Intelligence at LightCastle Partners. 

On July 5th and 9th, he conducted a session titled “Introduction to Power BI”. With the increasing sophistication of data analytics driven by new technologies such as AI, we hosted this session to ensure that our team’s capabilities, especially the new entrants to our team, remain aligned with these evolving dynamics. 

To that end, our training program introduced PowerBI, a leading tool in the field, empowering participants to develop their own dashboards. Furthermore, this training served as a foundation for those interested in pursuing MS Power BI certification.

As a result of the session, participants are now equipped to learn skills like managing data by loading, cleaning, transforming, and merging it from various sources to generate purposeful tables and datasets. By using the skills learned, they can enhance their skills through different methods, which ultimately leads to certification.

Preparing Powerful Consulting Decks & Reports

At a consulting firm, knowing the tips and tricks to prepare stellar slide decks and reports is a crucial skill for everyone as these are often essential components of client deliverables and also need to be prepared as marketing collaterals. So, after gauging the high demand for a session on preparing consulting decks, Bijon Islam, CEO of LightCastle Partners, conducted a session on this topic on 19th July 2023  for everyone. 

The session focused on how to build a narrative framework when preparing slide decks and ensuring that the entire presentation flows as part of a single coherent story with clear messaging at every point. Finally, the session concluded with a practical exercise where everyone had the opportunity to brainstorm ideas and apply some of their learnings in practice.


In 2023, LightCastle Partners prioritized internal capacity development through frequent training sessions aimed at enhancing team efficiency and fostering professional growth. Key sessions, such as Qualitative Research & Analysis and How to Ride a Unicorn: Workshop on Designing a Content Marketing Strategy, addressed specific skill needs and provided advanced knowledge and tools crucial for tasks like data visualization and creating effective consulting decks.

These conclave sessions are pivotal for LightCastle Partners as they represent a proactive approach to addressing workforce and industry needs. By investing in targeted training, we empower team members and cultivate a culture of learning and growth.

The positive reception of these sessions highlights their effectiveness in fostering capacity development within the organization. This commitment to targeted training ensures that our team remains competitive and successful in the management consultancy industry.

WRITTEN BY: LightCastle Analytics Wing

At LightCastle, we take a systemic and data-driven approach to create opportunities for growth and impact. We are an international management consulting firm which creates systemic and data-driven opportunities for growth and impact in emerging markets. By collaborating with development partners and leveraging the power of the private sector, we strive to boost economies, inspire businesses, and change lives at scale.

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