Your Focus on
The Biniyog Briddhi Investor Dealbook 2022 features startups that applied for and received SIINC and IRMF funding.
Bangladesh has become a thriving ecosystem for startups in the past decade.
Bangladeshi startups have also felt the growing gap in global funding as investors are cautiously optimistic about the future.
The webinar addressed concerns about startup investment winter and how startups should tackle the current situation.
This study provides insights into the current ecosystem of financial products for women in Bangladesh and offers recommendations for improving access.
Blended finance is poised to be the future of global growth by utilizing market-correcting strategies and cutting-edge financial tools.
LightCastle a year-long SMART Blended Finance program for B-SkillFUL, supported by the Embassy of Switzerland and Swisscontact.
Bijon Islam shares his musings on his transition from an investment banker to a consultant.
As global economic events lead to changing tides in startup funding worldwide, what trends are observed in the Bangladesh Startup Ecosystem?
Grameenphone Accelerator 3.0 is a gateway to the world for Bangladeshi founders. Grameenphone Accelerator Investor Dealbook is included.
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