Your Focus on
What is the status quo of the world right now? The question can have multiple answers ranging from total population,…
Conventional sources of energy, such as crude oil, have been dominating the global energy market for centuries. The demand for…
In today’s global business environment, effective organizational communication has a significant impact on an organization’s success.
No matter how unattainable a task might seem, I first try to break it down into sub-components, set small aims.
Since the globe is increasingly focusing on Lean Thinking, it’s time for Bangladesh to start adopting such practices.
In a nation where traffic jams are a daily ordeal, perhaps getting into the habit of picking up a book may not be all that bad.
This year I took a leap of faith and followed my desires. I took a dive into the unknown of life. It was scary.
The word “forensic” might cause you to think about the process of working a crime scene owing to all the CSI and other detective dramas.
A demonstration of an unnecessary bloodbath. The abrupt end to young lives; on the verge of taking on this world.
Big Data, is data that is either very big, growing very fast, or contains much variety such as unstructured data.
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