Your Focus on
Venture capital is gradually spreading its roots all over the world facilitating startups. But there is a lot to be done to fasten their spread here in Bangladesh.
Angel investors – whose primary focus has shifted from money to doing interesting things, in interesting ways, and with interesting people.
As an investor, you probably meet many ambitious characters, but you struggle when sorting through them and their startups.
It’s important for both sides of the table of the startup to understand basic fundamentals of startup finance.
I know many of you have thought about investing in startups, joining startups, or wondering if the startup’s got potential to scale.
A good idea is the one that is executed well, so, before we take a step further, it’s important to ask: what are ideas?
With one last look back at the great year 2013, we assert ourselves into a new beginning as a new year is upon us.
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