Innovative Financing in Ag-mechanization: Unlocking New Opportunities for MSMEs in Southern Bangladesh

LightCastle Analytics Wing
December 18, 2023
Innovative Financing in Ag-mechanization: Unlocking New Opportunities for MSMEs in Southern Bangladesh

The Feed the Future Cereal Systems Initiatives for South Asia Mechanization Extension Activity (CSISA-MEA) is a five-year project funded by USAID and implemented by CIMMYT, along with its partners iDE and Georgia Institute of Technology (GT). By merging the strengths of iDE and LightCastle Partners, the CSISA-MEA project aims to empower MSMEs and agricultural machinery lead firms with the necessary growth capital, knowledge, and connections to drive economic growth and foster a sustainable and inclusive agricultural sector.

The goal of CSISA-MEA is to boost agricultural resilience, productivity, and profitability by enhancing the competitiveness and efficiency of firms led by agricultural machinery. The objectives of this project include selecting entrepreneurs based on assessments, providing support services like financial literacy, record-keeping, etc. and mobilizing private capital through partnerships with banks and fintechs, preparing MSMEs for investment among many others.

A total of 60 enterprises have undergone evaluation and among them, 35 have been chosen for further consideration. Notably, the largest concentration of these enterprises is found in Cox’s Bazar.

LightCastle has partnered with WeGro to address financing challenges for MSPs in agriculture. They developed an asset-backed financing model tailored for seasonal crop harvesting, promoting MSME contribution and reducing reliance on MFIs in the ZoR Regions.

WeGro’s financial products offer collateral-free investments, aligned with business cash flow, minimizing risk for investors and promoting sustainable financing methods across sectors.

Innovative financing in agri mechanization If you are interested to learn more Document download full report

WRITTEN BY: LightCastle Analytics Wing

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