Your Focus on
PoultryTechBangladesh has facilitated a partnership between Nourish and Hendrix Genetics SASSO to trial colored/traditional broiler breeds in Bangladesh.
Bijon Islam recently conducted a session on Market Research and Financial Management for BYLC Ventures’ Accelerator Program.
LightCastle recently participated in the CFA Society Bangladesh Career Fair 2023, which allowed aspiring professionals to connect with us.
LightCastle Partners, Grundfos, and BRAC join hands to develop a commercially viable approach to enhance access to clean drinking water in Bangladesh.
UNDESA and a2i pilot project aims to revolutionize access to finance for CMSMEs in Bangladesh.
LightCastle Partners and WeGro are joining forces to revolutionize agri-mechanization through alternative financing models.
Biniyog Briddhi’s second Investment Readiness (IR) Booster Workshop is aimed to enhance investment readiness and financial modeling skills.
LightCastle Partners has joined forces with iDE to empower female out-of-work garment workers by enhancing their access to finance.
LightCastle Leads a Validation Workshop where the transformative “Smart Business Profile Platform” is introduced in collaboration with UNDESA .
Omar Farhan Khan, Sr. Business Consultant & Project Manager, recently acted as one of the final judges at the Checkmate business case competition.
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