Your Focus on
the industry is currently facing sharp decline due to non-compliant factories in the recently built Savar Tannery Industrial Estate.
Bangladesh’s RMG sector has been playing a pivotal in facilitating the country’s export earnings, contributing 83.4% of total export (source:…
Hearing from the market The global luxury market was worth USD 296.15 bn in 2013, and leather goods held a…
Bangladesh’s transition as a lower middle income country has been a cause of jubilation for many. Although a number of…
By 2025, Middle and Affluent Class Bangladeshis (Individuals with Incomes of $5000 or more) will account for 17% of the population.
Bangladesh’s apparel sector has presented itself as a matured contributor to the country’s export and growth.
Bangladesh is already on the radar of the RMG buyers as a strong player, and won’t be replaced by other markets.
The article focuses on the status quo, challenges, potential, and the way forward of the spinning industry of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh’s RMG sector has a bright future as close competitors like China are moving up the value chain, leaving value…
Although Bangladesh export basket is heavily skewed towards RMG export, several new sectors have cropped up over the last decade.…
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