Value Chain Assessment

Unlocking new opportunities in supply chains

The LightCastle Way

Value chain development (VCD) features prominently in social development projects aimed at stimulating economic growth and increasing competitiveness. The VCD approach challenges organizations to look beyond individual actors, such as smallholders or cooperatives, when considering how to achieve development goals. By conducting thorough value chain analysis, we shed light on developing better interventions for you to solve bottlenecks in the chain. Improved chain relations are expected to yield tangible benefits in terms of economic performance and, in some cases, poverty reduction.

The potential to include large-scale businesses as active partners in VCD offers enterprises opportunities for achieving outcomes at greater scale, with potentially increased impact and sustainability. To that end, we work at the intersection of development and private organizations, having an established network of actors; ranging from large conglomerates/development partners to SMEs and entrepreneurs.

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